
OSA-Mailer Logo

OSA-Mailer engine allows you to send dynamic and sophisticated E-mails, using Smart Templates

O.S.A stands for: Open Smart Alert


It is a free and open-source feature-rich backend engine for sending automated E-mails.


It is using sophisticated, programable HTML templates ("Smart Templates") that can provide advanced capabilities when producing E-mails.


It is designed in the context of alerting or notifying about events and elegantly providing relevant context about them. (It can also be used to send newsletters, but for now you'll have to handle your own subscriptions backend services).

Main Features

  • Manages different smart templates for different categories of your choice
  • Identifies a common denominator for multiple E-mails and merges them into a single E-mail with accumulated context as an optional feature to reduce spam
  • Supports multiple template engines with large communities and great support: Tera, Liquid and Handlebars
  • (To be implemented) Allowing custom functionalities such as embedding dynamic QRCodes or defanging untrusted URLs, IP Addresses and E-mail addresses
  • More community ideas to follow...

Smart Templates & Marketplace

Logically separates the front-end, back-end and data layers which should allow for easier community adaption (one is not required to understand all layers when using, maintaining or configuring the tool)

  • Develop or use ready Smart Templates that are programmed to act differently upon varying data inputs

  • (WIP) Download or share Smart Templates with the community marketplace

Minimalist & Reliable

It is written in the Rust programming language which is both highly reliable and packs all mentioned capabilities in a single, small, high-performing executable (Cloud friendly).

MVP Status

The project is still in Minimum Viable Product state and is subject to constant change.

OSA-Mailer Setup


Currently, OSA-Mailer simply checks its outbox directory each time it is executed. As the development is proceeding towards a stable, complete version, OSA-Mailer is currently built only for Windows (i686 to support both 32bit and 64bit architectures) but of course the source code could be built into any architecture that is supported by LLVM & Rust.

If you wish for an early build for Linux, or any other architectural build, feel free to open a discussion about it.

Since at this stage there is no point to invest in an installer, nothing special is required but to extract OSA-Mailer from its 7zip archive and to execute the binary on regular cycles (1 minute, 10 minutes, etc.).

The following chapters will provide step-by-step instructions on how to configure and deploy OSA-Mailer.

Download the most current 7zip archive (.7z) asset of OSA-Mailer from the releases page (e.g. osamailer-alpha-3_windows-pc-i686.7z) and follow the instructions in the following chapters.


  • Windows Service (Installer)
  • *nix Service (Package)

Windows Setup


At this stage of the development, there is no installer.

Currently the way to use OSA-Mailer is it have an external system to run its run script osa_mailer.cmd




  1. Get to the releases page
  2. Pick the latest version of OSA-Mailer
  3. Expand the Assets title by clicking on it
  4. Pick the .7z 7-zip archive file for Windows and click on it to start downloading


In order to extract a 7-zip archive, you need an extractor that supports it. Your best bet is probably to download the official 7-zip from its website


  1. Extract the archived file from the Download section anywhere you like, but make sure you will have controlled access to the extracted outbox directory as this directory serves clients as a gateway for sending E-mails


osa_mailer.cmd :

:: Configurations
SET SERVER=localhost
SET AUTH=noauth
::SET USERNAME=username
::SET PASSWORD=password


  1. Edit the script file osa_mailer.cmd with your favorite text editor
  2. Look for the :: Configurations comment
  3. Notice the SET statements which set each environment variable for OSA-Mailer
  4. Configure each environment variable accordingly
Environment VariableDescriptionMandatory
SERVERSMTP server IP address or hostname (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, SMTP relay-proxy, etc.)
PORTThe TCP port number for the SERVER variable
AUTHAuthentication method: TLS, STARTTLS or NOAUTH
USERNAMEProvides the username when using an authentication method other than NOAUTH
PASSWORDProvides the password when using an authentication method other than NOAUTH
  • To uncomment a variable, remove the double-colons :: from its SET statement (e.g. ::SET USERNAME=username becomes SET USERNAME=username)

Setup a Task for Windows Task Scheduler

Windows Task Scheduler can be used as a means to trigger and activate OSA-Mailer, but it is not a requirement in case it doesn't fit your use-case.

Open the Windows Task Scheduler

Here are a few links to external articles on different methods to launch the Windows Task Schedular:

Here is one way to do this:
In order to open the Windows Task Schedular, we will use a Run command:

  1. Hold the Windows button + press the R button
  2. This should open the Run window
  3. Type in: taskschd.msc and either click the OK button or press the ENTER key


Windows Task Scheduler

Create a new Task

It is recommended to create the task within a dedicated folder so it will be easier to maintain and not mix-up with other unrelated tasks.


  1. On the left pane, select the Task Scheduler Library directory by clicking on it once with the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON
  2. Once selected, RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON click on the already selected Task Scheduler Library, to open the actions menu
  3. Select New Folder... from the actions menu

Task Scheduler New Folder

  1. Pick a proper name (OSA-Mailer is recommended) and either click on the OK button or press the ENTER key

Task Scheduler New Folder Name

  1. Select the newly created folder by a single LEFT MOUSE BUTTON click

Task Scheduler New Folder Created

  1. Once selected, RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON click on it again to pop the actions menu
  2. Select the Create Task... from the actions menu

Task Scheduler New Task

  1. The Create Task window will pop-up
  2. Provide the name for the task: Check Outbox (recommended)
  3. Under Security options, select the Run whether user is logged on or not and check the Do not store password. The task will only have access to local computer resources. checkbox
  4. Click on the Triggers tab

Task Scheduler Create Task

  1. On the Triggers tab, click on the New... button to create a new trigger

Task Scheduler Task Triggers

  1. The New Trigger window will pop-up
  2. Make sure that Begin the task: is set to On a schedule
  3. Make sure that Settings is set on One time
  4. Under Advanced settings, make sure that the Repeat task every: checkbox is checked
  5. (Recommended): Manually copy the value 1 minute and assign it
  6. Make sure that for a duration of: is set to Indefinitely
  7. Make sure that the Enabled checkbox is checked
  8. Click on the OK button to the add the trigger

Task Scheduler New Trigger

  1. Click on the Actions tab

Task Scheduler After New Trigger

  1. On the Actions tab, click on the New... button to create a new action

Task Scheduler New Actions

  1. The New Action window will pop-up
  2. Under the Program/script: textbox, assign the path to where the osa_mailer.cmd file is located
  • Optional: You can click on the Browse... button to locate the osa_mailer.cmd file
  1. Click on the OK button to add the action

Task Scheduler New Actions

  1. Click on the Conditions tab

Task Scheduler Conditions

  1. Make sure that there are no conditions in place and all checkboxes are unchecked
  2. Click on the Settings tab

Task Scheduler Conditions

  1. Make sure that only the following checkboxes are checked:
  • Allow task to be run on demand
  • Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed
  • If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop
  • Make sure that the field If the task is already running, then the following rule applies: has the value Do not start a new instance in its dropbox
  • Make sure the rest of the checkboxes are unchecked
  • Click on the OK button to create the task

Task Scheduler Conditions

  1. We are finished. You can close the Windows Task Scheduler

Sending an E-mail

On every run, OSA-Mailer is scanning its outbox directory for new E-mail entries.

Each E-mail entry is represented as a JSON document file.

An E-mail entry can be though of as just a single "send E-mail" request that contains all details required to send it.

When attempting to send multiple E-mails to the same recipients, on the same subject, having a common denominator, they are all considered to be E-mail entries that compose the same, single E-mail ("Composed E-mail"), that represents the final product to be sent to your recipients.

You can have a relation of multiple E-mail entries per one composed E-mail or one E-mail entry per one composed E-mail. It depends on your personal configurations.

Once the E-mail entry is processed and sent successfully, it is deleted from the outbox directory.

🚨 If the .json entry file is not deleted from the outbox directory, then an error might have occurred. You can check the logs directory to get more details about the errors.

Outbox Directory

In order to send an E-mail, we have to produce an E-mail entry which is a JSON document that contains all details required to send it, and place it in the outbox directory.

Using the outbox directory, enables us advanced features such as accumulating multiple E-mails into a single one that is containing accumulate context within its contents. This reduces spam in our recipients' inbox and provides them with more concise E-mails.

Other future features are in-bound such as delayed E-mails, etc. All of these features and more, are only possible to achieve when using an outbox directory to accumulate E-mails.

Notice: In the future, we may use a database or provide an option for a database. For our MVP, we just put JSON files in the outbox directory


┣ 📂outbox 👈
┃ ┣ 🗎my_non_standard_email_entry.json
┃ ┣ 🗎a40a6508.3b0c7586049dd2.c8e7d381.3e5f6e98.json
┃ ┗ 🗎a40a6508.3b119a8fafdc3a.72e3d49e.fc982089.json

E-mail Entry Name Convention

The following describes the current, non-binding standard for E-mail entry file name convention:

{E-mail ID}.{Timestamp}.{Entry ID}.{Checksum}.json

E-mail IDA unique ID to identify the E-mail, produced by hashing the email part of the entry, encoded in hexadecimal
TimestampCreation time in nanoseconds, encoded in hexadecimal
Entry IDA unique ID to identify the entry, extracted from the entry itself
ChecksumA unique CRC32 checksum of the entire entry file, encoded in hexadecimal

🚨 The file name convention isn't mandatory but it helps in debugging and avoiding coalitions when auto-generating E-mail entries. The standard is embedded in the script file which is located under the mail_producer directory

The following chapters will demonstrate how to compose an E-mail entry JSON document.

Common E-mail Entry

The following example represents an E-mail entry.

Currently, it is mandatory to be explicit about all possible fields. However it is not required to fill every possible field.

In the following examples, we will explain the roles of every key and JSON object.

Entry Object Structure

Here is the base structure of every E-mail entry:


    "id": "<ENTRY ID>",
    "utc": "<SEND TIMESTAMP IN UTC ISO 8601 RFC3339 FORMAT>",
    "email": {
    "context": {

The structure above is common among all E-mail entries. What varies are the assigned values.

Data NameData TypeDescription
idstringA unique ID provided by the entry generator. There is no mandatory standard. The only requirement is that each entry must have a unique value
utcstringA UTC timestamp value in the ISO 8601 RFC3339 standard
notify_errorarray of stringsA list of E-mail addresses to be notified about errors (not implemented yet)
emailobjectA dictionary or map of values that describes the E-mail to be sent. e.g. subject, recipients, attachments, HTML template, etc.
contextobjectContext variables for the HTML template

E-mail Object Structure

The email object within the entry object, is composed of the following structure:


    "email": {
        "system": "My Automations System",
        "subsystem": "[ID:12345] Trigger: Server Disk Out-of-Storage",
        "from": "Ops Auto-Mailing System <>",
        "reply_to": [
            "System Admin <>",
            "Project Lead <>"
        "to": [ "Rick S. <>" ],
        "cc": [],
        "bcc": [],
        "subject": "ATTENTION! Your server is out-of-storage",
        "template": "ops_department",
        "alternative_content": "Unable to render HTML. Please refer to the Ops department for details.",
        "attachments": [],
        "unique_by": ""

Data NameData TypeDescription
systemstringThe name of the external system that uses OSA-Mailer
subsystemstringThe name of the subsystem that uses OSA-Mailer. e.g. Name of the trigger or rule that fired or activated OSA-Mailer, within the external system
fromstringThe E-mail address of the sender
reply_toarray of stringsAn optional array of E-mail addresses to re-direct replies to
toarray of stringsAn array of E-mail addresses representing the To: recipients
ccarray of stringsAn array of E-mail addresses representing the Cc: copy to recipients
bccarray of stringsAn array of E-mail addresses representing the Bcc: hidden recipients
subjectstringThe E-mail subject
templatestringThe selected template for the message body, located under the templates directory
alternative_contentstringThe message to be displayed for clients that cannot render the HTML body of the message. Some E-mail clients use this value for message preview
attachmentsarray of stringsAn array of file paths to attach
unique_bystringAn optional aid field to assist in generating a unique E-mail ID by providing custom values. This provides us the ability to affect how E-mails are accumulated

The entire email object is hashed in order to identify it and provide a unique E-mail ID. Multiple E-mails with the same ID, can be optionally accumulated into a single E-mail.

Context Object Structure

The context object within the entry object, can be freely composed of any JSON value. Every key within the context object, is passed down to the selected template


The following JSON context, can be accessed within its following HTML template example:

    "context": {
        "message": "Hello, world!",
        "items": [ "apple", "orange", "watermelon" ]

HTML template using the handlebars engine for rendering:

<!--TEMPLATE handlebars-->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Email Template</title>
        <h1>{{ message }}</h1>
        <p>Here's the list of items:</p>
            {{#each items}}
                <li>{{ this }}</li>

There are 3 supported template engines at the moment: Handlebars, Liquid and Tera. You can tell OSA-Mailer how to render the template with a special magic comment at the beginning of the HTML file <--TEMPLATE [ENGINE NAME]--> (case insensitive)

🚨 At the moment, there are still standards to be formulated. It is within my hopes that once the project attracts attention, a community consensus will be established. So far, I try to avoid creating limits and only formulate what seems to me absolutely necessary. Striving for a standard is somewhat necessary so different clients and different potential backends, could still interface with each other with minimal to no modifications or adaptions

Basic E-mail

Here is a full example:

    "id": "fed5cadb",
    "utc": "2022-09-01T22:44:11.852662+00:00",
    "notify_error": [
        "Developers <>"
    "email": {
        "system": "My Automations System",
        "subsystem": "[ID:12345] Trigger: Server Disk Out-of-Storage",
        "from": "Ops Auto-Mailing System <>",
        "reply_to": [
            "System Admin <>",
            "Project Lead <>"
        "to": [ "Rick S. <>" ],
        "cc": [],
        "bcc": [],
        "subject": "ATTENTION! Your server is out-of-storage",
        "template": "ops_department",
        "alternative_content": "Unable to render HTML. Please refer to the Ops department for details.",
        "attachments": [],
        "unique_by": ""
    "context": {
        "message": {
            "heading": "Detected Problems in Your Server",
            "body": "We have detected a disk capacity problem with one or more of your servers. Please refer to the instructions below"


The templates directory is meant to contain all templates in separated directories, with their (optional) resources and assets included, where each directory name represents the template's name.

The template index file is called template.html. In the example above, we use the ops_department template.

Under the templates directory, create a directory called ops_department and then create a text file and name it template.html

Copy the following HTML content into template.html and save the file.


┣ 📂templates
┃ ┗ 📂ops_department
┃  ┗ 🗎template.html 👈

<!--TEMPLATE handlebars-->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Email Template</title>
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#f4f4f4">
            <td align="center" valign="top">
                <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" bgcolor="#ffffff">
                        <td align="center" valign="top">
                        <td align="center" valign="top">

Open Source Community Vision

Some tools are developed in workplaces for niche use-cases that repeat between different companies, workplaces and clients, where skilled workers find themselves create, write and design the same tools over and over again, having no common standard.

My vision is to create some of these tools to be publicly available for free, encourage and build an open-source community around them in order to:

  • Provide a common language and standard for common niche projects
  • Provide quick-to-deploy, high-quality, capable and reliable solutions to impress our bosses or clients
  • Gain common, shared, technical experience around them to configure and maintain them, providing better support
  • Provide higher quality of manpower for companies by providing potential workers with relevant experience for common community tools with excellent resources
  • Create job opportunities for the community as they easily solve their bosses or clients problems with easy to maintain, standard community solutions

— David Krasnitsky