Common E-mail Entry

The following example represents an E-mail entry.

Currently, it is mandatory to be explicit about all possible fields. However it is not required to fill every possible field.

In the following examples, we will explain the roles of every key and JSON object.

Entry Object Structure

Here is the base structure of every E-mail entry:


    "id": "<ENTRY ID>",
    "utc": "<SEND TIMESTAMP IN UTC ISO 8601 RFC3339 FORMAT>",
    "email": {
    "context": {

The structure above is common among all E-mail entries. What varies are the assigned values.

Data NameData TypeDescription
idstringA unique ID provided by the entry generator. There is no mandatory standard. The only requirement is that each entry must have a unique value
utcstringA UTC timestamp value in the ISO 8601 RFC3339 standard
notify_errorarray of stringsA list of E-mail addresses to be notified about errors (not implemented yet)
emailobjectA dictionary or map of values that describes the E-mail to be sent. e.g. subject, recipients, attachments, HTML template, etc.
contextobjectContext variables for the HTML template

E-mail Object Structure

The email object within the entry object, is composed of the following structure:


    "email": {
        "system": "My Automations System",
        "subsystem": "[ID:12345] Trigger: Server Disk Out-of-Storage",
        "from": "Ops Auto-Mailing System <>",
        "reply_to": [
            "System Admin <>",
            "Project Lead <>"
        "to": [ "Rick S. <>" ],
        "cc": [],
        "bcc": [],
        "subject": "ATTENTION! Your server is out-of-storage",
        "template": "ops_department",
        "alternative_content": "Unable to render HTML. Please refer to the Ops department for details.",
        "attachments": [],
        "unique_by": ""

Data NameData TypeDescription
systemstringThe name of the external system that uses OSA-Mailer
subsystemstringThe name of the subsystem that uses OSA-Mailer. e.g. Name of the trigger or rule that fired or activated OSA-Mailer, within the external system
fromstringThe E-mail address of the sender
reply_toarray of stringsAn optional array of E-mail addresses to re-direct replies to
toarray of stringsAn array of E-mail addresses representing the To: recipients
ccarray of stringsAn array of E-mail addresses representing the Cc: copy to recipients
bccarray of stringsAn array of E-mail addresses representing the Bcc: hidden recipients
subjectstringThe E-mail subject
templatestringThe selected template for the message body, located under the templates directory
alternative_contentstringThe message to be displayed for clients that cannot render the HTML body of the message. Some E-mail clients use this value for message preview
attachmentsarray of stringsAn array of file paths to attach
unique_bystringAn optional aid field to assist in generating a unique E-mail ID by providing custom values. This provides us the ability to affect how E-mails are accumulated

The entire email object is hashed in order to identify it and provide a unique E-mail ID. Multiple E-mails with the same ID, can be optionally accumulated into a single E-mail.

Context Object Structure

The context object within the entry object, can be freely composed of any JSON value. Every key within the context object, is passed down to the selected template


The following JSON context, can be accessed within its following HTML template example:

    "context": {
        "message": "Hello, world!",
        "items": [ "apple", "orange", "watermelon" ]

HTML template using the handlebars engine for rendering:

<!--TEMPLATE handlebars-->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Email Template</title>
        <h1>{{ message }}</h1>
        <p>Here's the list of items:</p>
            {{#each items}}
                <li>{{ this }}</li>

There are 3 supported template engines at the moment: Handlebars, Liquid and Tera. You can tell OSA-Mailer how to render the template with a special magic comment at the beginning of the HTML file <--TEMPLATE [ENGINE NAME]--> (case insensitive)

🚨 At the moment, there are still standards to be formulated. It is within my hopes that once the project attracts attention, a community consensus will be established. So far, I try to avoid creating limits and only formulate what seems to me absolutely necessary. Striving for a standard is somewhat necessary so different clients and different potential backends, could still interface with each other with minimal to no modifications or adaptions